Join Us On YouTube!

We’ve launched our YouTube Channel and would love to invite you along for the adventure. You can find us at . Check out our first project two project videos. In “Label Your Quilts,” I’ll share how to add a simple quilt label and why I think it’s important to label your quilts. I had a couple of interesting learning experiences that influenced me to be more diligent about adding quilt labels that inspired me to create this episode.

Our second video focuses on repairing a beloved, unique vintage quilt. This quilt has some great, inspiring design features with its crazy quilt patchwork design and non-traditional backing. Join us to find out if this quilt can be saved for another chapter with the family that loves it!

I hope you’ll check these videos out and consider subscribing to our channel. Let us know if you label your quilts and if you have saved a beloved quilt before. We’d love to know!

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